Well, so now here I am on Blogspot, and this is my first post. I can't technically say it is my first submission to a blog, but it really is my first blog. At least, it is my first blog with more than two sentences (check out http://paesano.vox.com).
What will I talk about in this blog? Hard to say. I'm the kinda guy who can't keep focused very well in a conversation. If I am talking to someone about a topic and the subject changes to something else, I will converse about that something else, but keep a thread of thought spinning in my head about the previous subject. There is no telling when that other topic will randomly pop up in our conversation again. I get a lot of strange looks when that happens.
But I digress...
A lot.
So, we will just have see what kind of randomness comes out of my brain-damaged head.